Science Day In Mahwah

Here are some great bridge designs from the Engineers Decide iBook sketch pad drawn by students at Lenape Meadows School on Science Day!



Engineers Decide: Children’s Interactive iBook Available for Free until March 31, 2014

Written by David Janosz Jr., ‘Engineers Decide’ was designed to inspire and educate future engineers and children who have a curiosity about the engineered items they encounter everyday. The first of its kind, the book tackles subject matter that has, to date, never been published in an interactive electronic format. It is built […]


Engineers Decide

I wrote Engineers Decide because I want every young person to be able to envision himself or herself doing engineering. I know that most will not become engineers, but too many children never even see the possibility.

I originally wrote the book in 2008, which is about the time my oldest child was old enough […]
