
This site is maintained by David A. Janosz, Jr., an educator from New Jersey, USA. Dave can be contacted by sending email to dave at this site name.

As a DIY site/blog it became near impossible to keep up with spam comments and catfish users, so right now I have “Register” and “Comments” turned off. If you wish to interact, please do so via Twitter or Facebook.

TeachIngenuity.com was named one of the top ten “Edublogs” in New Jersey by NJSpotlight.com!

Inquiries from and ideas for guest bloggers with similar interests in STEM Education and Instructional Technology are welcome.


Site posts are in the following categories:


App Reviews

What software applications might be used by students to support their ingenuity?


Education Rants

General idealistic peeves, perspectives, and suggestions for schools.



What lessons can young people learn about their ingenuity?



What are some thoughts and perspectives about developing ingenuity in young people?



What stories can be told about the development of ingenious products?



What stories can be told about ingenious people?



What are some resources that support ingenuity development?



What stories can be told about young people applying their ingenuity?